Welcome to Kodaku website.

This is the best website to find more detail about Kodaku tribal group and their language. This people group lives in the hilly region of Surguja, in Chhattisgarh, and border States of Jharkhand and Utter Pradesh. The mother tongue of Kodaku people is Kodaku. We more centred on Kodaku people in Chhattisgarh. You can know more detail about the Kodaku culture and custom and Language form this site. Do enjoy the beautiful pictures and videos of Kodaku tribes. Find out more about various developmental works taking place among Kodaku tribal group. This website would also offer other links to useful resources that would help you know more about Kodaku and people in there. Our site is available in Kodaku, Hindi, and English languages so that it would be easier for you to browse our site and find your favourite contents. We regularly upload and update videos, music, pictures and scripture materials on our site. Feel free to download and enjoy them from our site. We appreciate your valuable comments and feedback.
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